Thursday, April 28, 2011

I've been meaning to post!

Spring gets so busy, though!  School plays, birthday parties, sports's a roller coaster ride of CHAOS!

So, I'm pausing now (brief as it is) to post a few Springtime pics.  I'm a bit back-logged on editing, though, and will post more later (but not too much later.)

Lucky for me, Sarah can be ready at a moment's notice.  Passed by this little patch of yellow flowers on the side of the road one day a couple weeks ago.  So, picked up Sarah after school, put a sundress on her and a flower in hair and she was good-to-go!

This little gal was SUCH a cutie!  And, such handsome big brothers!  Let me say, I've rarely seen such sweetness between young siblings.  She's a lucky little girl to have such doting brothers : )

© Vickie Pewitt Photography
CoffeeShop Designs